Small bursts of energy followed by “whoo, I’m taking a break.”
Bravo is disappointed in the lack of a walk, my house still suffers from a pile of laundry and floors that I swept, but was too tired to go downstairs to retrieve the dustpan. I’m only partially ready to teach my pysanky class on Monday, and Vernon’s made do with some very simple meals.
Do I care? Yes and no. I know I’ll feel better soon… and if you love me, that laundry basket and dirty floors shouldn’t matter. I didn’t get outside much. A not so quick hike to the chicken coop twice in one day.
It will happen. I need to make it happen.
A slow walk in the red dirt, an appreciative glance at the full moon huddled in a bed of clouds, a loud MEH as a calf realizes he’s lost his mom and he’s HUNGRY, the mellow honk of geese as the pairs part ways with the flock. I’ll take it all in through my skin as I turn my face to the sun. Refreshed. Renewed. Isn’t that what spring is all about?

I have to amend this to say… if you’re interested in pysanky, follow the Ten Sleep Library on Facebook, we will try to go live about 6 pm Monday evening. You may not have the supplies, but you can find out all about it!
Find me here!
Glad you’re taking things slow. I also enjoyed the full moon on Monday. I saw it just as it emerged over a distant hill all pink, glowing and amazing.
Ah yes, spring is so good for renewal. Take it easy…..
Nice photo.
Ah, yes spring is so good for renewal. Take it easy…
Nice photo.
Ah yes, spring is good for renewal. Take it easy…
Nice photo.
You are taking it slow, just what you need to do. One step at a time, you’ll get there!