Wow… We received 10″ of nice, wet, spring snow. This will help this country turn green… well, as soon as it warms back up!
While we can usually count on inside work on days like today, the storm was over and it turned partially sunny. Guess we will work calves.
Little Reagan would grab a handful of snow, squeeze it, and it’d practically go to liquid in her hand. Do you know what you get when you mix 10″ of snow and cows in a corral???? A big mess!
Actually, I didn’t get as bad as I expected to… I did get more mud on me as we moved them out to our Ritchie pasture. I drove a four wheeler which slops mud EVERYWHERE, plus Bravo was on behind me, balancing against my back and sharing some of his mud collection.
The cutest pic of the day was definitely this one. We know not when they watch us, but watch us they do!
I’ve had some troubles with bots on a YouTube video. I’m reloading videos or changing settings as necessary, so if a video isn’t there at the moment, just know that I’m working on it. Thanks for your patience.
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Retired music teacher that I am, this post reminded me of a hilarious old kid song: “Mud, mud, glorious mud…nothing quite like it for cooling the blood.” i.e. “The Hippopotamus Song”. It’s on Youtube… have a laugh, and a great day.
That’s a lot of mud. Look forward to seeing photos of a green WY. Chilly but sunny in Middle England. Kids back at school after Easter break. Slowly coming out of 3rd Lockdown