It only happens a few times a year… a nice weather day… no work… no time crunch… and a trip up the mountain to see how far the snow has retreated. A leisurely diversion of looking for arrowheads.
Often an old sandy spot, perhaps a dead dune, holds the detritus of flint knapping. Flakes of all sizes tucked under their winter cover of sand now emerge into the spring sun.

I collect colors and varieties of stone, the translucent chalcedony, the oily chert, and the sandpaper of fine quartzite. I walked round and round, noticing the emerging Spring Beauties.

A fresh elk track cuts across the sand.

Round and round. Back and forth. No points, but treasures all the same.

would love to have found something.. fascinating to see that undisturbed traces are still there to be found.
Sounds like a wonderful day!
Certainly a lot of special finds on your day off! I do not know much about rocks, but do appreciate the great variety and colors of them. I like the little white flower and wonder if it might be in the Trillium family?
Glad you were able to have a day doing just what you wanted.
Wonderful way to spend a leisurely spring day.