They’re stepping up to all sorts of jobs lately… though they may have to fight me for my branding irons…

My girls make quite the vaccination team!

That little ninja turtle in the smoke is Lorelei… she and Lacee held a few, but much of her time was spent playing in the back of a pickup.

Line out those ponies!

Looks like a great pony show on the tailgate.
Love the shirts on the vaccination team!
Poor Bravo. Has to sit this one out.
I love the way the young ones are eased into the work. Not so much that they get tired and quit. Encouragement when there are goofs.
Question for the next Q and A video: just wondering if there is a local, traveling farrier to shoe the horses? Thanks.
Local people, most of them have been friends of my sons…
Haha someone doesn’t like being tied up look at his face ☹️
All your cowgirls are so cool! Go girls!!
You’re correct. He wasn’t happy.