I know NOTHING about County Fair, 4H, FFA, or showing animals. My kids were in 4H one year… Girl Scouting was more my thing. Jaxon, however, decided he’d like to show a breeding heifer at fair this year. Neighbors stepped up and really helped him learn the ropes. So much, in fact, he got Reserve Champion (second place) in Breeding Beef and Junior Showmanship.

He was all about it. I figure my job is just to smile and applaud.

Well done Jaxon. Well done Grandma, you got the photos to share.
What a wonderful accomplishment for a youngster. Congratulations!
Way to go Jaxon! Congrats! he looks like a pro already!
Cool! Both my kids showed livestock in 4H. And one did FFA as well. No cows though my daughter had to show them and pigs (and llamas) in many a round robin showmanship contest. She loved it. Sheep, goats and rabbits were her favorites.