I rode along with Vernon today as he decided to install a new pump in Otter Creek Canyon. Yes, it’s the one that is powered by the solar array from yesterday’s video. While the one we had in there was working, he thought he could get more gallons/minute with a new pump. I threw in a gallon bucket and my fishing pole, just in case!
The dramatic drop into the canyon will get my attention every time! It’s a five hundred foot plunge into a different world. It’s definitely cooler… but still plenty warm if you’re in the sun!
I assisted him when I could, but I’m fairly relegated to “hold this”, “hand me that”, “is that right?” status. Nevertheless, after a few hours of work, he said he’d finish up if I wanted to go pick chokecherries! Yessiree.
It’s almost a gallon.. with some creeping Oregon grape and wild raspberries thrown in! I’ll want more chokecherries to make syrup, but I thought I’d make some jelly out of this and call it Otter Creek Jelly! I doubt you’ll taste the raspberries, but who knows?
Vernon was eager to get back out on top and see if the pump would work… but I *had* brought my fishing pole, and there are Brookies all over that creek. I asked him to stop midstream (the trail crosses Otter Creek about 20 times). A cast or two and I had one little pan sized Brookie. We chugged up another crossing or two, and I cast again. They were chasing… and finally one struck. Two. Perfect for supper.
I had pretty good luck foraging for food today. I might make it as a survivalist! I forgot to take photos of my fish, and all that is left is the bones on my plate. Vernon’s not a fish eater, so I don’t fish that often… but holy cow, that was a ton of fun!
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Fresh caught trout are the best. Makes me remember camping and fishing when I was a kid.
Thanks for the memories.
We grew up making chokecherry jelly. Getting a juicer/steamer sure helped the process. I sure miss those brook trout tho!! They were the best fish in the world!
A wonderful day for you. That Otter Creek Jelly sounds good.
Mmm…fresh trout in your own backyard! A great prize after a busy work day. Keep us informed about the new pump after that super video yesterday. Thanks!
But did the pump work?