Originally named “Withko Win” or “Prostitute Creek” by the Indians. Changed by interpretation to “Crazy Woman”. The Indian tradition for the name’s origin is that a long time ago the people of several Indian Nations met on the stream peacefully and had a big dance which was prolonged beyond the usual length of timethey became so well acquainted that a great deal of immorality followed before the gathering was broken up. Another story goes that the creek was named after a demented woman who lived along its banks for many years. It is a well known fact that the early Indians would not molest a demented person. History tells us of scouts and soldiers who feigned insanity when captured by the Indians in order to save their lives. (WPA) from Wyoming Place Names
Another beautiful puzzle. I wonder “who” (Crazy Woman) this canyon was named after back in the day?!
Originally named “Withko Win” or “Prostitute Creek” by the Indians. Changed by interpretation to “Crazy Woman”. The Indian tradition for the name’s origin is that a long time ago the people of several Indian Nations met on the stream peacefully and had a big dance which was prolonged beyond the usual length of timethey became so well acquainted that a great deal of immorality followed before the gathering was broken up. Another story goes that the creek was named after a demented woman who lived along its banks for many years. It is a well known fact that the early Indians would not molest a demented person. History tells us of scouts and soldiers who feigned insanity when captured by the Indians in order to save their lives. (WPA) from Wyoming Place Names
Great reply – thanks for the info.