Today we attended Quinlan’s first football game. Yes, fifth graders can play football, and it seems like 5th graders made up half of the team. For some reason, Ten Sleep can’t seem to field a high school football team. We have the kids, but no interest, which is sad. My boys really enjoyed playing football, even when they had to switch to 6 man. With a good middle school team, they’re hoping the interest will continue on to higher grades.
See that little number 25? I know. Right?
He had worked himself into a nervous lather… feeling nauseous and upset. With some gentle encouragement and time… he finally ran a few plays and found some confidence and fun.
With his own cheering crowd to back him up… it was great to see him grin and flash a thumbs up!
He had a great time in the end.
Oh that special hug. So important when we are unsure. Glad he had a good time.
I was a little sad to learn a few years ago that my old high school can’t field a team to play (Australian) football. The only thing the kids seem to want to play is soccer.
I don’t know what our kids are doing… some work, most don’t.
I’m glad he overcame his nervousness. It looks like he has a compassionate coach. Yay!!!
Reminds me of when my son played midget football, I’m not sure he was as tall as Quinlan. Hope he enjoys it.