After the last storm gave us 9” of snow, we’ve slowly had it all melt, growing warmer, moving to Mud Stage 1 on the slopes of the mountain. There is still snow on the ground in scattered spots, so you don’t know if your horse will trip on sagebrush or rocks, slide on the remaining wet snow, or slip in the inches deep mud.
It kind of makes every step interesting.

Daniel and Brandon rode their long legged Thoroughbreds, and ol’ Panama and I stepped carefully (and much slower) behind them. I’m kind of used to this view… my “yeehaw days” are behind me… oh, who am I kidding? I had very few yeehaw days… slow and steady is more my style.
That’s quite all right with me… the guys did the big loops and covered country and I brought up the back.

We went through the pasture gate, the guys went to the front to get the neighbor’s cows out of the way… and my trusty dog and I brought the last hundred cows off the high slope.

Yeah, I have a tough life… it was just horrible having to trail 100 quiet cows down on a sunny fall day… no wind… just me and Bravo. And the trail grew drier the lower we came! No slippy, no slidey. Just absolutely perfect.

Looks gorgeous and better for the no slippy or slidey. I’ll bet Panama liked it too.
It does look like a beautiful western day! Enjoy!