Well, I knew it… but you readers are amazing! Thank you for the kind words and the multiple shares. My posts have NEVER been shared like that! Let’s both try to continue to share posts and ideas…
Well, remember when I mentioned how we knew there were some cows left behind in one pasture, but we only saw tracks and we never could catch up with them? We’d check randomly but the fifty bagillion places to hide was winning?
Guess what?
We went to put out my game camera and found this.

Fresh tracks! I set up the camera and we continued on…
Way past the Why Here Cabin…

(It’s right there… in those trees… trust me!)
Down and around and up and over, zipping along a little two track just barely wide enough for the side by side. We followed tracks clear to the far far FAR end of the pasture. Well, wouldn’t you know, we found the little buggers.

Three pairs. Happy as clams. I figured they’d be wild and take off, but no, they just watched us drive up and stood there! It looks funny, being so close and seeing Vernon use the binoculars, but he was trying to read their ear tags.
See, the good news/bad news is that none of the cows belong to us! One pair is definitely a neighbor’s, we recognize her, but two had unfamiliar brands. Looking at the eartags, we could see…

“Pat” has a L hanging 7 on her tag. We don’t know who that is, but a couple of phone calls we’ll have it figured out. Thanks for posing so nicely, Pat!
Mystery solved!
Even better, we won’t have to ride to the far far FAR side of this pasture and bring these errant girls all the way through the bagillion hidey holes to the corral to load them up and take them home. That’s up to the owners.
Nice pink earrings. They do show up well against the black. Glad you found your lost one, even if it was a day later.
Our neighbor gathered his summer pasture last weekend, and was missing one pair. Word came back through the week that some hunters had seen her and shut her in a small pasture next to the corral. The neighbor and my two guys headed up there yesterday. She was still there in the pen….until they tried to move her toward the corral. Nope, not no-how. She was not NEARLY as calm and collected as the pairs you found! She and her calf jumped the fence and were off into the timber and gone. Sigh. Not this time – so the trailer came home empty. She’ll regret it once it starts snowing.
That’s exactly the response I was expecting! Then to find our lost one the next day miles away in a different pasture… sometimes they definitely have minds of their own!
How in the world do you recognize a neighbors cow? Definitely not just because she’s a black angus.
No, too many of us have black angus, though there’s a variety in looks for sure. We brand, have earmarks, and eartags to distinguish our cattle from other ranches.