Growing up, my dad used to tell me stories about having ducklings. Feeding them, trying to keep count of them and knowing they were slowly disappearing from their pond because, evidently, their resident snapping turtle enjoyed duckling for supper.
I got ducks a couple of summers when my kids were young. They provided us with much entertainment. When they were old enough, I took them to the creek, and they began their new lives, never returning to their home.
I bought some drake ducklings this spring, hoping to reenact duckling fun with the grandkids. Unfortunately, only two survived the initial delivery. The grandkids didn’t fall in love with them. The ducks have been living with the chickens.
With winter coming on, and my chickens not laying much… just eating… I decided it was time for my male ducks to fly away. I mean, they’ve been free ranging with the chickens… and I’ve seen them fly. Maybe they just didn’t know where the creek is?
I decided to take the ducks for an adventure.
True to habit, they’re always the first ones out of the chicken coop in the morning, making it easy for me to put a dog crate in front of the door and capture two ducks. Easy peasy.
Releasing them into the creek made for happy ducks. Bathing. Splashing. Then they’d crawl out of the water, start grooming themselves, and looking to me to take them home. I chase them back into the water. They’d come back out. I swooshed them down the creek. Said my goodbyes. It’d been fun and I loved hearing their happy quacking every day… but, go… be free!
C’mon, boys… Feed’s getting pricier… be free. Fly by and quack… but, GO AWAY.
I ditched them. Yes. Regretfully. I really do like them, they’re just so HAPPY.
Don’t worry.
They were back in the chicken coop at nightfall. They’ve been there ever since. I haven’t taken them back to the creek. I guess if they haven’t flown off by themselves, I’ll let them stay. Maybe when winter hits they’ll change their mind… but for now, when I walk out to the coop… there’s a happy quacking exchange when they see me. And I guess that’s just ducky.
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They know a good thing when they have it. Quack!
That story just quacks me up…..
They are smart ducks!
Ah they are smart ducks!