I tried something different this time, I narrated the clips and photos for this latest video. Finding music, creating transitions, and that work takes TIME. This is a bare bones version, no background music. Just me jabbering. I do mis-speak a couple of times, but I just left it in… along with the “uh” and “um” that I tend to use when thinking of the correct thing to say!
Well, it’s natural, but it’s DONE. Better some content than nothing at all! Let me know if you prefer this style… it may not be as artistic, but it is faster!
I liked this newer one with commentary very much, but I also really like the ones with the music, since I am a musician! Both are nicely done, so whatever works for you, Carol!
Hi, Carol – I actually liked your video better with just the commentary. It felt like I was following you around and we were chatting while you were telling me what was going on. I ESPECIALLY like the simpler videos if it’s easier for you. You are obviously one busy woman, and I very much appreciate your taking the time to post so faithfully over the years. Thank you!! Suzanne
I liked the voice over. It let me know what I was looking at.
I like your commentary with the video.