Finally. Snow. Cold.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
It currently is 1˚. Vernon and I have a bet how cold it will get on this clear night… I think I’ve probably already lost! With no cloud cover to hold the heat in, it is going to be crisp in the morning.
I just spent the day finishing up my Christmas decorating and babysitting Reagan.
The little stinker has been on a roll lately… Today, she locked me out of my house while I was shoveling the sidewalk.

She couldn’t unlock it… so I had to go around to my “front” door. Normally, I wouldn’t think twice about it, but I had shoved my loveseat in front of the door to make way for my tree. I wasn’t sure I could push it with the door as it was wedged between my entertainment cabinet and my big blue shelf.

Made it.
Oh, she wasn’t in trouble… and, besides, how sweet was she when she laid out the nativity set?????

Laid back. Fairly quiet.
These soft winter days are made for that.

Very festive with the snow. Keep warm.
Your house looks really pretty.