Cow work day!
Vernon leads the cows they’ve gathered in the badlands into the corral with just a bit of hay on his four wheeler…

Of course, the boys are at the back, bringing on the bunch… soon we fall into a rhythm, Brandon vaccinating with Scourguard, Daniel spraying their backs with Ivermectin, Vernon and two neighbors bring them up the alley. Me? I’m opening gates as we age sort them out of the chute, making new tags for the cows who lost theirs, prepping the jugs for Daniel… basically, I do whatever I’m needed to do!

The day started off barely above zero but with sunshine and warmer temperatures, we were shedding layers before lunch.
We sent the herd two ways, with the younger cows split from the older ones. Each bunch was happy to go their own way, eager to start eating hay.

A question ref weather temps. We use C temps in the UK. So below zero for us is actually below 0C* (when 0C* is freezing) . So when you say ‘below zero’ is that below zero F* meaning you are already way below freezing at 32F*. Hope this makes sense.
Yes, so zero is 32 degrees colder than freezing. The coldest it’s ever been since I’ve lived here is -55˚ below zero way back in 1982 or 1983… thankfully, it doesn’t get like that often, though wind chill can get us pretty close sometimes.
Thanks Carol. Coldest I’ve known is -19C overnight about 15 years ago.