Thanks for all of your encouraging words! It’s been a fun ride, blogging for fourteen years… I never thought I’d do that!
I need to send a thank you back… some of you have sent me things … and I’ve never acknowledged them. It’s fun and exciting to receive surprise presents from readers. I’ve received everything from postcards to trapping stretcher bars. Lately, I received two cement? tiles. I’m not sure what I will do with them, but they’re definitely cool. I haven’t kept a list, unfortunately, and a big mistake on my part, but please know that if you sent me something over the years, I’ve enjoyed it!
(And someday I will get that box of rocks in the mail… I haven’t forgotten, S.!)

To celebrate my fourteen years of keyboard time… I’m giving away TWO Red Dirt In My Soul calendars! I’ll draw two names randomly on my next Wordless Wednesday post. Here are the rules:
- Only U.S. residents. Sorry, but some overseas shipping rates are outrageous (I’m looking at you, New Zealand) so, only U.S. residents please!
- Enter by posting your name in the comment section of this post ONLY. You may comment on this post on Facebook as well, but it MUST BE IN THE COMMENTS ON THIS POST. If you comment on another post, I might not find you…
- Comment your name (and anything else nice you’d like to say), by 7 pm, Mountain Time, Wednesday, January 26, 2022.
- I will reach out to you after the drawing and get your snail mail address. TWO calendars will be awarded.
I’ve been blessed to do this blog and have you as friends. Thanks for the gifts and good luck!
Find me here!
You are the most amazing crafter! I so admire the things you make and the different art forms you choose.
I have followed you for several years, I so enjoy all your art and crafts! My husband and I are retired ranchers so all your ranch work is fun to watch and brings memories to the surface.
Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your way of life with others who might not ever get to see a working ranch and what it takes to make it work!
Amen Cstol!
Good morning Carol !
I have enjoyed your blog for several years ! Usually one of the things I look at in the morning ! The pictures are always fun to look at . It is fun to see the things you are doing on your ranch and find it interesting . We do many of the same things here on a similar time line ! Keep up the great work ! I really enjoy it ! Thanks to you and your family !
Just me ! Russell
Since I have been to Ten Sleep twice and fell in love with the area, I was beyond excited to find your website. The first time I saw the”red dirt” and the scenery I started crying because I thought it was the most beautiful site I had ever seen. Thank you for sharing the Red Dirt with me.
I’m not sure if my comment earlier works, but I would love to win a calendar almost as much as I enjoy your blog with it’s beautiful photos and thoughtful writing.
Joan Wood
Thank you Carol for sharing your life and the beauty of Wyoming. I know I won’t be back to that area again but I love that I can visit via your blog. Your efforts are very much appreciated.
Hi Carol,
I just started reading your blog last year, and look forward to reading it first thing every morning. I remember reading your website when my husband Bill and I were raising Corley’s English Shepherds. I enjoy all of the colorful photos and posts, and would like to see more photos and posts about your English Shepherds. Thanks, Gloria Corley
I enjoy the photos you make into puzzles!
Yes, I also found you through the Daily Coyote. I’ve only visited Wyoming 3 times, but it’s beautiful and your blog shows me how much I didn’t see.
I really enjoy the puzzles as well. Thank you.
The tiles are beautiful and would work wonderfully in your garden. Your blog is great fun to follow.
I enjoy all your pages, really like the wordless Wednesday.
I am ever grateful for the dogs — Lucas (and Josie) and Mace — and their breeder, Mary, who connected us, for our friendship. Tears and joy, learning new things, seeing inspiring things.
I started following your blog after we reconnected at the NCW reunion a few years ago. I’ve loved learning about ranch life and seeing reminders of why I fell in love with Wyoming all those years ago (saddle straddle 1978)!
Thank you for sharing you life with us!
Your blog and pictures remind me of home. I grew up on a farm in Emblem Wyoming and I do not get back to my “happy place” often enough to visit. Your posts provide sweet memories of my days of riding horses, gardening, 4-H steers, etc……. And of course the beauty of Wyoming and the Big Horn Mountains. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing your life on the ranch with us.. enjoy seeing you children and grandchildren too.
i found you through the daily coyote and have loved the stories crafts and all of the wonderful pictures over the years,
As a cattle rancher in Wisconsin, I start each day reading your blog while having my morning coffee. Since my first hunting trip to Wyoming in 1988, I have been in love with your state with all its outdoor beauty. Also I have met so many friendly and interesting ranchers who I enjoy visiting with, discussing cattle and crops. I always look forward to each future vacation or hunting trip to WY. Thank you for all the effort you spend on the blog. Thank you for making my day each morning.
I enjoy reading your daily blogs and seeing your beautiful pictures. Yesterday I showed my husband the beautiful work you do with paint and alcohol. He agrees. It’s an amazing process and your results are awesome!
My first trip to Wyoming was way back when I was 16! Got to stay on a working cattle ranch outside of Yellowstone. Castle Rock Ranch, no longer takes guests, but I would live to see it again!
Please keep sharing your work with us! I look forward to each post…….and especially the PUZZLES!!
Thanks Carol for you endless effort and time to post and share your lives in the beautiful West! How hard you all work to provide food for us!
I have been following since the blizzard that killed so many cattle and caught everyone by surprise.
I don’t know How I found you. I am so grateful! I look forward to all your posts but love the pictures the most! We have a beautiful country!
I LOVE each and everyone of your blogs you have posted over the years SO much! Keep up the wonderful work!
As a Wyoming girl who still visits but doesn’t live in Wyoming anymore, your blog brings a little bit of the Wyoming sagebrush, the mountains, the big blue sky and the love for family and life into my inbox each day.
Jo Amy 🙂
I told you yesterday, how much Wyoming still owns a piece of my heart, after living in Casper for several years. You, dear lady, help fuel that love and keep it alive. THANK YOU!