You may be tiring of table updates, but that’s all I seem to be working on! Soon enough, calving season will begin, and you’ll have more ranch/cow photos, but for now, it’s me and that table (and you).
I showed it to Brandon and Megan yesterday, and we changed a few things up. Unbelievably, I have a small container of paint that matches Megan’s yellow kitchen wall, so I was off and running today.

I redesigned the center. I had larger letters and less of an angle before. Knowing I was going to surrounded GREET with more sunflowers, I reduced its size. This seemed to fit the space better to me.

Again the lighting messed with its true color, but you get the idea. A light wash of yellow for the first coat is on all but the upper left flowers. I’ll add a bit of darker color in progressive steps, though it, too, will be a wash so the wood grain comes through. Once the petals meet my satisfaction, a grey stain will be applied to the other areas and possibly over the flowers, too.
I’m so excited on how it’s turning out, I can’t hardly stand it! I almost spent the evening working on it and not coming back to the house. No matter its condition, stained, water damaged and all… I still think it will be a treasure. A few more days and I’ll find out for sure.

You’ve given this family heirloom, “new life” – definitely something that will be treasured for many more years to come!
Wow!!! What a treasure she will have. The grain of the wood shows up nicely.
Thank you for restoring and giving new life to this table that has been a part of Megs life, all her life. I’m so grateful she can sit around it with her family and make wonderful memories. It is just spectacular!!!
Love it! What a treasure!
This is a wonderful family treasure . I think the stains just add to its charm; they are part of the table’s story. You must be so pleased with how it’s turned out.
I love the way the name surrounded by sunflowers turn out! Amazing work. An heirloom in the making!
Definitely a treasure!
That is So Gorgeous!!