I don’t know quite what I will do, but at tomorrow’s Ledger Art Class, I may decide to use one of the photos of one of my ancestors…
I love old photos.
My great grandfather, William Charles Burton, in front of his store in Paris, Texas.

Or another great grandfather, Kennedy Underwood, shown seated. He’s where I get my Choctaw blood.

Of course, I loved my grandmother, and though I never met my grandfather, I think he’s pretty cool, too. Victor and Lila Underwood.

Vernon’s grandmother was pretty neat, too.

I have no clue what I’ll do with these photos yet, but there’s inspiration in them somewhere! Do you have old family photos with amazing stories?
Yes. Old photos are wonderful. We just need to remember to ask our older family members who is in the photos and note this. We have several photos with a family member, plus an ‘unnamed man or woman’!!!!
I assume she was carrying the gun to protect herself from rattlesnakes.