Last night, Victoria and her boys had come to visit, and as Toria and I stayed up late talking, I leaned back in my recliner and Pop! Suddenly, my decorative lights went out. “What did you do?” she asked? Come to find out, when I leaned back, an electrical cord got sliced in half by my recliner mechanism. I didn’t get shocked and we laughed about it a little bit. After a few minutes, I noticed my wifi wasn’t working. The tv was still working. Most of my lights were still on… the WiFi been fading in and out all day… and I thought it was out once again. After fighting it for a bit, I just decided it was too late, it wasn’t going to come back on and I just wasn’t going to blog.
When I headed for bed, Vernon’s alarm clock was out. Well, I might not miss my decorative lights in the living room, but he needed his alarm clock for his two a.m. shift in the calving shed. I worked my way to the breaker box and shoved the switch over and back. Decorative lights on. Alarm clock on. Son of a gun, wifi ON. WELL… I was just too tired to blog…
Today was our Artists’ Reception for our Ledger Art Tradition class. It was well attended with plenty of goodies for snacking. I’ll put a video together of it, but not tonight! Thanks to Robert Martinez and Lifetime Arts for a fun, stimulating and educational class.
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Class 5th year student, Laiwanda’s story was published earlier on social media. The experience sparked my interest to know more about the life of a young girl and what she goes through daily after the death from HIV in 2012. I wanted to know more about her life, the people around her, how they react when they have lost their children that were affected by HIV/AIDS, being vulnerable, dealing with discrimination in society. Through conversations at work, I found myself talking about her life; I wondered if my own child would be diagnosed as HIV positive or not in case he has his test result this year, in the future. This is because we all do. But most of us don’t get information that might make them more aware about their exposure to risk. And we must understand that, sometimes we choose our friends or family members based on who they are. Some of the people that I talk about might have been like friends of mine when I was younger but some don’t remember that and may have the same beliefs that lead to them being exposed to risk such as, having to live far away from schools for not being able to go to college but they didn’t go themselves back…
Uh oh, another mishap with a chair! Both times, you were pretty lucky!!
Look forward to the video.