While the heifers are continuing to calve under close supervision, a calf was born early in the cows. We keep an eye on them as well, driving through them, counting them while feeding to make sure nothing has wandered off. But this little guy came a bit early. Spunky and lively though he was, there was still a problem. His momma is an old cow and sometimes old cows’ udders tend to get big. So big, in fact, a newborn might have problems latching on.

Brandon and I went to check, and, sure enough, the calf hadn’t had a meal. Luckily, Brandon was prepared.

With a Yeti jug full of hot water, a calf bottle, and a premixed packet of calf milk, he was ready to make a bottle for the baby.

Without much encouragement, the calf eagerly began eating.
The first meals are important, filled with colostrum, it helps the overall health of the calf. Brandon kept an eye on it to see if it started eating from its mother. The next day he brought it to the calving shed and they began working with the two. Milking momma out, feeding the calf, encouraging it to find its mom on its own.
Word came today that Daniel had success! Yay! We like those kinds of happy endings.
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That’s great to hear Mom and baby are together again.
Happy endings are the best!
TLC goes a long way! Glad the calf is doing well.
So glad the little one is ok!