A little crafting always makes me feel better… dishes are left to soak, the floor awaits mopping, but still…
I wanted to try a new alcohol ink technique. Place ink on your prepared surface. Let dry.
You’re supposed to use a weak blow dryer to push the ink around once a drop or two of alcohol has been placed in selected spots. Since all I have is one of those “hold onto your hat” type dryers, I had to hold it FAR away from the plate. Keep adding alcohol. Keep blowing.
Add a bit of gold highlights at the end, and voila!
I like it. Since that was my only plate, and I wanted to try the “rose” technique as well, I had to change strategy. Instead of blow drying in a straight line, the rose is dried in a circle, recreating the multiple petals. Well, on coffee mugs that wouldn’t work as the ink would simply roll around the edge of the cup. I decided I’d just reenact the idea by using a brush.
Huh. I kinda like that too! I’m going to have to translate that to Indian Paintbrush and shooting stars, though… if I can!
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Wow! this is fantastic! I love it.
Plate and mug are wonderful. I know what you mean about feeling better after crafting.. I’m enjoying creating watercolour greeting cards.
You are so talented!
How long do these patterns last? How do you keep the alcohol inks from coming off? Do they rub off? Or does it take alcohol to release them? What about sunlight? Do they fade?
Maybe I should just get some and try it myself. I really don’t need another rabbit hole to go down! But, but if I could use them to get lasting colors on my pieces…? That would be cool!
Looking good!