Daniel begins the steps every newborn calf gets on our place. Soon after they’re born, depending on the weather, calves will be tagged with their mother’s number, an ear mark will be cut, and bull calves will be banded.
If the weather is too cold, we won’t tag them. Ears can easily be frozen and they’ll dock the price at the sale barn in a year if its ears are short. Instead, the number will be written on a strip of Velcro and attached to a leg so when the weather warms, it can be tagged.
Not all ranchers do this but this is what works for us!
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Good plan, and “low tech”!
How did we ever manage without Velcro?
Lower price for short ears??? Is that because there might have been careless care? (Sounds like an oxymoron!)
I’m constantly amazed at all that goes into raising cattle.