One more gorgeous day before the next storm arrives, so what would you like to do? Oh, there’s housework… but maybe something outside like gardening? Nope, still covered in snow… Maybe a hike… yeah, but let’s accomplish something. Aha!
I gathered up Quinlan in the side by side and headed to get Jaxon. We stopped in the barrow ditch along the way and picked up some trash. Well, I could see that was going to take too long, so off we buzzed to get Jaxon. Between my turn off and Jaxon’s, Quinlan counted 71 pieces of trash.
A side trip to glance at baby calves and view a dead deer only twenty yards from where the mountain lion killed and drug that deer across the highway last year. Back out on the highway and I hand the boys a grabbing stick and a trash bag. I drive the side by side slowly, stopping occasionally. Pretty quick they’re out of the vehicle, laughing, grabbing trash, running, teasing, doing whatever entertains little boys.

Dressed in their cavalry uniforms, we talked a bit about how I hoped they’d never be the type of person that’d pitch their trash out their car window. They agreed. And went on playing.

We only covered a quarter of our little territory, but they filled one trash bag…

They’re good kids… and cooking hot dogs for lunch was a great reward.

Just being together is the greatest reward!
They are the clean up Calvary! How wonderful to take care of the beautiful place they live! And some great memories with Grandma!!
Great to see them having fun doing a task that really should not be necessary. But we have same problem this side of the pond and school classes will sometimes collect the litter from the roads or the beaches.
Just love, that they wear their cavalry outfits now & then. Best of buds.