Somehow, we’re crazy enough to cook a big meal for Easter for 15 people, then turn around (wash all those dishes) and cook a meal for 31 great neighbors who helped us brand today! Yes, there are dirty crock pots sitting in my kitchen. Yes, my house is a disaster. Yes, I’m too tired to really care…
Out of those 31 people, 12, TWELVE!, were kids under the age of eleven! I mean, eight are my grandkids, but it was nice to have the other four there as well.
The kids are actually big enough to hold calves by themselves… ok, with overprotective adults hovering nearby to save them from too big of wrecks! They all have stories to tell… Lorelei tripped and fell, which tripped up her dad, and the calf was over the top of them both… she got a face full of dirt and ATTITUDE… She was right back in there ready to show them who was boss! Jaxon was scraped up multiple times and he is going to be a sore boy tomorrow, but he never quit! Matthew just jumped in with whatever adult was holding a calf, he wasn’t shy one bit. Waylon has enough oomph to bust a calf without much help. Wyatt did his part as did Lacee… she was much more willing to do the paperwork on the calves. Quinlan wasn’t feeling his best but put in a good showing. Even little Reagan “held” a calf in her dad’s protective arms. She giggled a bit at the beginning and enjoyed it even with the smoke in her eyes. It’s nice to see them all learning the trade…
In fact, I think we were all ecstatic to have a branding without the calf table. We just aren’t fans and prefer this way by far.
Here’s a few photos…

Heading out to gather the bunch.

Starting the cedar fire we use to heat our branding irons.

The guys stand around waiting for the irons to get hot…

The girls/vaccinators stand around waiting for the irons to get hot…

And just like that, we’re off brandin’ one more time!
More photos to come, I’m sure!
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What a production line!!! Love the shirts!
So you use the irons heated on the fire for out on the range and the electric ones for smaller herds nearer? What is the calf table? I think I don’t pay as much attention as I think I do.
We only bought the table a couple of years ago. It lives in our main corral as does the electric branding iron. When we have to brand other places, we do it the old way. Otherwise claves need to be trailed to the main corral to that setup.
Love the t-shirts!
Glad the weather was warm for you.
Sure do like the “logo” on T Shirts!
Great you had a nice day!
No jackets. Sun shining…Mother Nature, also on your side.