First chance to get off his horse and run around like little boys should after 5 or 6 hours in the saddle. He brought me two presents… a small horny toad and a bitterroot flower. I accepted the flower and he let the horny toad go where a horse wouldn’t step on him.

He’s worked and ridden miles and learned some family history and gathered up some cattle and fought with his horse and been hungry and been bored and laughed and challenged himself and stayed in the middle.
He’s sore and tired but so am I.
Someday he’ll realize how lucky he was.
If he’s truly blessed, he’ll have a son to drag along who will get hot then cold, hungry and thirsty, both bored and intently aware of learning about killdeer and Indian paintbrush and which way is north and how do you get home from here?

All this and a horney toad as well! Blesses indeed.
This post brought a tear to my eye. Yes, you and this young cowboy, both truly blessed.
No other blog captures the spirit of Wyoming like yours.
Truly blessed, indeed!