Let’s see… It’s super hot… work on the ranch is temporarily on hold… must be time for the Kids Rodeo!
Lacee carried the Wyoming flag in the Grand Entry…

Jaxon and Quinlan and two others sang the National Anthem… With that… we’re off to another year of competition.
First up, the costume contest!

Reagan was Bo Peep and her pony was her sheep.

Lacee was Cruella de Ville on her dalmation.

Lorelei was a Day of the Dead kid and Blue had his skeleton painted on him. She won first place! Isn’t the dress divine?

I was kept hopping from one event to the next… my camera battery lasted just long enough! Quinlan is now in the older age division, so he was competing in more difficult events against older kids. I also took mostly video… and I kind of wish we could play the videos of Daniel and Brandon (and maybe Victoria) competing at the same age side by side with these kiddos… I do see similarities!

And don’t ask me what was going on with Lorelei and her rope…

More to come… and more video!
HUGE THANK YOU to volunteers, parents, Ten Sleep Rodeo Association, grandparents, sponsors, great grandparents, caring adults, amazing horses, nice livestock, town of Ten Sleep, and anyone else involved with the Kids Rodeo. It is an amazing event for local kids!
Find me here!
Awesome costumes!!! And I hope each of your Grandkids roped their
“prize” ! Looks hard to me.
What a very special event for you all. Look forward to seeing your video.
Lorelei and her rope look like a Woops to me.