Hot. Just, bleh. Like you just don’t want to do anything kind of hot. Of course, the guys are… They’ve spent a couple of days gathering cows and heifers on the mountain. Unfortunately, it’s been hot clear up there as well.
Tonight’s forecast by our local weather guru, Don Day, is talking about a cool down this Saturday. He’s even mentioned the Big Horn Mountains could get their first taste of snow! That will be a switch from 90+ degrees!
Plus, we’re planning on preg testing our heifers Saturday. Hot soup is now on the menu.
The boys just recently did one of those yukky jobs you always seem to do when you’re about to melt.
Stacking bales in the barn and the calving shed is not a very fun job. Covered in hay dust, breathing all that gunk… makes you glad it only comes around once a year.
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I have done that before not a fun day for sure! Long sleeves and gloves a must!
Why don’t they wear masks? Or maybe they are and we just can’t tell in the picture. The cowboys used to pull their bandannas over their mouths and noses to fend off the dust. I know masks and the like are hot, but dust is not healthy.