My how time flies! This was first posted September 26, 2011. I had gone to see Quinlan for the first time, gone to a dog clinic, and then went to help Victoria prepare for her twin boys!
If I was more like my dogs, I’d be running in circles and yipping!
“We’re home!”
I spent the day revamping Toria’s little two bedroom apartment… rearranging and cleaning and putting up the second crib and making way for babies!
I made a good dent in things… hopefully a good enough headway for her to to continue progress even as more baby stuff comes in! She was very grateful, and at least I was able to help with the worry of being prepared for the boys.
Now, I need that energy to return to me in the morning, so I can make this house recover from my absence these past three days! I have one day to prepare to leave for *another* three days! I can’t remember when I’ve been away for so long.
That’s not true.
I can remember.
And I know she was with me today…
She’s awfully proud of you, Victoria.
I am too.
And now we’re ready for Babies! (Though we can wait a couple more months!)
(Leaving Red Wall country)

Am I correct that its Victoria’s children whose pictures are never posted? Sorry that I can’t always keep everyone straight. Those were exciting times with new babies/grandkids.