This was first posted November 4, 2011.
Brandon, Megan, and Quinlan arrived late last night… and we sent the parents to bed and watched Quinlan for them! He’d slept for most of the 6 hour drive, so he wasn’t ready to sleep more here! I crashed at 3 am… Vernon, who had a few hours sleep under his belt, took the rest of the early morning hours.
But, of course, cow work doesn’t wait for too long, and by 8 am Vernon and I were at the barn. I was delegated to my Dodge pony, running up the highway to make sure the ready-to-go-cows hadn’t blown through the backside of the fence. With my *somewhat* trusty dogs in the back, we made a loop, and I kicked them out to push up some cows that WERE headed to the backside of the pasture.
Good timing.
The cows are ready to head for the hills… their “flight zones” are big and sensitive! Lucas had too much energy for that level of sensitivity! Perhaps, I can show you the minute movie version tomorrow…
I jumped back in my Durango and opened gates and turned them into the corral… where we proceeded to sort them. Cull cows and yearling heifers one way, cows that are going to the hills another.
We had sorted through quite a few, and headed home for a lunch break of leftovers.
Afterwards, I took it upon myself to offer to let Megan get out of the house and help the guys… and I’d deal with little Quinlan. Aren’t I sweet? Tough duty.
Nice to know I *DO* remember how to change a diaper and burp a baby!
I vaguely thought about taking a photo or two… then I think I fell asleep for a few minutes…
Tomorrow, I’ll play baby photographer…
Today, there’s just a Lucas photo. Waiting for the “swwswwswws” that’ll send him on his way to put these girls on the trail to home.

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