Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India…
Synonyms with Brave include Intrepid (name of a ship) and Dauntless (also the name of a ship) which began a convo about ship names… and Horatio Hornblower’s Indefatigable. Aka Indy. My favorite ship besides the Enterprise, would be the Endurance… Endy.
Then there’s that memorable quote from Indiana Jones… “We named the dog Indiana.” My anthropology degree enjoys Indiana Jones… who doesn’t? Victoria said we could call her Indy Anna.
After kicking it around, all roads led to Indy… so Indy she shall be unless she tells me something different. (I had tried Echo but never seemed to get her attention plus it sounds a lot like Bravo)
Find me here!
I love this picture.
Wishing you many, many years of making fond memories!
Indy also makes me think of the Indianapolis 500 and she looks like a racer trying to keep up with Bravo.
Welcome, Indy – you are very, very cute! And your internet fans will enjoy seeing you grow, and learn all there is for a ranch dog to do.
Indy Anna! Now that’s a great twist! She’s cute. How old?
What a great picture! Bravo looks happy with his new playmate!
Indy is a great name. We always believed a dog reacts more to a name ending in a ‘y, ie or ee’ sounds.