As Vernon says, it’s not your dad’s rodeo anymore. Full of laser lights…
Fireworks… ( a moment after I took this, there was a sparkling fountain out of the top of the flagpole)
And loud booms which makes me nervous as a horse owner!
I guess it needs to qualify as more entertainment nowadays than simply man versus animal or man versus man or man versus himself… which I was taught was the basis of conflict in creating and telling good stories. Oh, how old fashioned I am. Fancy pyrotechnics finished, we moved on to standard rodeo… yay!
All photos were taken with my phone since I had left my camera in my room, thinking we would retrieve it at some point. I should know better!
It is a well run rodeo. I think Vernon was more impressed with the trick riders than the standard fare. It made for a fun night and we didn’t have to sweat through a blistering 4th of July day to see it!
Thank you for the pictures! I haven’t been to a rodeo in a long time. I could do without the fireworks and lights though. I don’t get why they want to do it in an open space, let alone an enclosed one!
Pyrotechnics at a rodeo??????? YUK!!! Great way to scare the horses.
How were the barrel racers? My husband and I attended a similar ‘theatrically enhanced’ rodeo in Houston a few years ago. Outside of the fancy costumes and striking horse gear, the barrel racers from my Ten Sleep High School class would have put the Houston participants to shame. On the plus side, temperature controlled and no one was looking into the sun.
Lucky you to go to a rodeo in the dead of winter. Can’t wait for summer rodeo season here in Wyoming!
Sounds like a fun day! I know what you mean about the ‘pyrotechnics!’
I don’t need them. I LOVE trick riding, roping, gals’ synchronized riding,
and the clowns. Watching the horses do anything is the best. Nice pictures.
I miss going to the rodeo. So many good memories.
I always appreciate the clowns, atva rodeo!