Finally, we’re starting to get some babies! I know, soon enough we’ll be on the other end of the spectrum… but we are all happy to see the calves hit the ground. As with anything, there’s more details behind the scenes.
The heifers get fresh bedding every few days.
Those who have calved get fed and watered.
Calves get weighed.
Sixty eight pounds if you’re curious…
When all chores are attended to, the heifers are brought in for the night.
We’ll keep an eye on them through the camera and in person checks throughout the night. In the morning, they’ll be turned out of the corral, to spread around the pasture and eat hay until the evening, when the cycle begins again.
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I always knew the Greet Ranch calved right! Taking care of their cows and calves.
Another great look at the multiple routines around “calving” – I liked seeing
the comfy, clean hay being spread around so the animals can enjoy being
“cowch potatoes!”