My arthritic hands can attest that I have braided a set of reins for each of my grandchildren with the completion of this set for Reagan.

And don’t forget, I squeezed a set in there for Tess! I’ve also told Megan I’d make a set for her, but I may not get to it right away…
Some are round (my preference) and some are flat, but they are all about 8′ long and most have “poppers” on the end. Poppers are made from old scrap leather. They make a satisfying “pop” against your boot top or stirrup to urge cows along. They can also reach your horse’s butt if he’s not listening.
Obviously, Reagan won’t be using these until she rides a “big” horse, as her pony’s neck length is probably four feet!
There’s plenty of this going on as well…

I was going to video it… but was busy, then I turned around and there it was! OOOOPS.
I filmed a new video as well, but have to edit it. Hang in here with me, folks… It’s “in production”!
Find me here!
You never cease to amaze me! I don’t know how you do it all. I know you sleep.
Lucky Regan, she’s all set for when she rides a big horse.
Something each person will really treasure.
Well done on completing Reagan’s reins. A gift she will always treasure.
What a beautiful heirloom gift for your grandchildren. Practical too!
Ah how sweet! Reagan is growing up so fast! She looks happy to have new reins!
What a belt buckle too Little cowgirl!