My morning plans were abruptly interrupted. I was still in my pajamas, drinking coffee, scrolling through Facebook, when I heard my door open and a rather strident “meh” accompanied Vernon. He set down a little heifer who definitely was not a happy camper.

I rushed to dry her off more. She had been born yesterday afternoon. We had seen her not long after she was born. Vernon had commented that she was small… I insisted she was just perfect. For whatever reason, she had not had her first meals full of colostrum, and she was beginning to cool down. I was brusque rubbing her down… I’ve yet to see a momma cow be very tender in their cleanup duty. I requested aid from Megan, hoping to attend my meeting, though I had to admit, it wasn’t going to work out. Brandon arrived to see if I wanted him to tube her and my response was affirmative, neither I nor Megan having any luck at having her suck a bottle.

Lorelei is recruited for help. The colostrum is fed through the bag, down the tube, and into Miss Perfect’s stomach.
After an hour and a half, Brandon takes her to the calf warmer for some serious heat, it’s much better than a cold cement floor and dog bed.
After a few hours Daniel returns with her. All warm and dry and we’ve been busy bringing her mom in from pasture. Megan unloads her.

Next, Daniel and Megan work at trying to get her to suck from her mom.

Once their backs had given out, Daniel milks the cow, who kicks her displeasure, and fills a bottle halfway with real colostrum.
Vernon steps in and encourages her to suck down her meal.

She isn’t very enthusiastic, so once again, the tubing is brought into play. Milk is transferred and Vernon and Daniel dispense it.

Full, dry, warm, and reunited with mom, she’s hustled up to the calving shed and bedded down to spend the night.
Vernon, Carol, Megan, Lorelei, Brandon, Daniel, and Jaxon all layed hands on this little one today… we will see how she fares tomorrow.
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Real team work and a lot of love can work wonder’s for that little one.
Fingers crossed!!
Yea, team! Hope she makes it.
Megan’s hat??? It’s wonderful.
Sending good thoughts across the miles for this calf.
Wow talk about team work!! What a lucky little Miss Perfect to be born on your ranch!