Relatively warm overnight, with no snow, and enough wind to strip what had fallen back a great deal… made for a good night of calving! No entries into my “calf in a bag”! Yippee!
That meant my morning could be turned over to something I’ve been neglecting… spring cleaning my chicken coop! Whoop. Whoop.
I had to remove various cages and cardboard left over from their chick days. I stole my dog bed warmer back to put under my seedlings. Then, haul out loads of straw and poo to the compost pile in our work sled since a wheelbarrow would sink in the mud and remaining snow. I also had a run up to the calving shed for a bale of clean straw.
I bought these chicks last fall… and so depending on the breed, they may start laying this month. If there are any chicken experts out there, I’d love to know what I have. Not that it really makes a difference. I knew I should have taken a group shot! Maybe another time. I was just happy to get it cleaned for spring… whenever she decides to show up!

Looking forward to the “Group Shot”
My Rhode Island Reds were the best layers, so I’ll put my money on that little lady on the top perch! Your chicken coop is so cute…and clean! Love the barrel nesting boxes. 🙂