Come to find out, Jaxon is not a fan of accompanying Tess when she gets her hair and nails done. I said he could come here. He saw that I had been working on some pysanky and asked if he could try. You bet! I’ve tried to get my family to do this with me, with no true enthusiasts, maybe, finally, I had someone!

He caught on to the concept quickly. The wax resist process says that you preserve the current color of your egg by applying wax to it. First step… everything that you want white, you cover in wax.

He’s working through the colors and when Tess showed up to get him, he declined to leave, because, hours later, he still wasn’t entirely done.

I think I found my partner.
Find me here!
Well done Jaxon. That is a very impressive egg.
Wow, he did an amazing job! He inherited your artist genes. Now, you can have a partner for some of your other art adventures, like wood burning designs into those beautiful spoons you make!
How fun!
Thumbs up! very nicely done, Jaxson. Takes a steady hand to do all that detail.
What an artist! That is really cool Jaxon!
beautifully done. Good job Jaxon.