The past couple of days have been warm and springlike and oozing of the scents and mood that makes everyone collapse from an acute case of Spring Fever.
I’ve worked in my yard. I’ve prepared some planters for, well, plants! I’ve actually just sat down in the sun and breathed. Soaked in the Vitamin D and the upswing in mood levels… spring is here. Yes, it will still freeze and we most likely will get more snow… but… the grass is turning green and Vernon and I decided it was time to go searching for Yellow Bells.
White Phlox, though pretty and the first flower that actually appears, never gets the springtime credit around here like Yellow Bells. Yellow Bells and Meadowlarks and Bluebirds make it official. (No one else counts the reappearance of my turkey vultures.) Off we went.
We found them.

Then there are Spring Beauties… who love to appear soon after snowdrifts melt. (And their little corms can be baked and taste like a potato)

Never forget Shooting Stars… a personal favorite.

Even better, find them together!

These were definitely the first ones… I saw more buds than flowers of all kinds. Another week and flowers will be dancing everywhere. Then there will be Paintbrush and Sego Lily and Bitterroot and Balsamroot and Mules’ Ears… it’s soooo nice…
Find me here!
Beautiful spring flowers.
“For the beauty of the earth…for the beauty of the skies…” modern hymn by John Rutter, or the older one in every hymn book – FYI and enjoyment in music, as you also delight in all those lovely wild flowers.
Ahhh! Spring is here.
So pretty! Thank you for sharing these wildflowers with us. Would love to see a pretty photo of a baby Indian Paintbrush.
The beauty of spring!