When there’s a job to do, what do you do? Do you see it? Do you do something about it? Or do you wait, thinking, surely, someone will step up, but I’m not the one to do it.
Sometimes, it’s surprising who sees that a job is lacking. It’s surprising who has the initiative.
Our last little branding, we had no one to tend our fires to keep the irons hot. They must be very hot and sometimes that means the fire tender is sweating… acquiring splinters… getting singed or burned by flying embers… and splitting wood with an axe if necessary. Vernon and I, as the branders, began by keeping our own fires burning. Then, someone stepped up.

Walking by, Lorelei noticed the fires were getting low. She looked at me and I told her to go ahead. That’s all she needed.

She’d throw on a log or two, checking with me that the fire level was adequate. Sometimes I’d flash two fingers at her, encouraging her to put in two more.

She did well. There was a little life lesson on how hot flying embers can be… but she recovered and continued her new job. She saw a need and stepped up. By golly, little girl, that trait will help you out in the future and I’m thrilled you have that quality!

P.S. Reagan has a life tip for you, too. If you sit close to the branding barrels and smoke is getting in your eyes… just turn your old hoodie around and, boom! instant face shield! You’re welcome!

I always love how the grandkids are encouraged to step in and give it a try. Small setback (hot ember) not a reason to stop. Go Greets!!!
Learning by doing, step by step with watchful supervision – you go cowgirls! Nice story and pictures as always.
I could go on and on about how your grand children are learning real life lessons daily. It is encouraging to know families such as the Greets are preparing the leaders for our future. Congratulations, and thanks!
Love that these little cowgirls are out there learning it all!
Cowgirls in training!