I eagerly waited for the mailman today. My gift to myself was coming and I was beside myself. For well over a year, I’ve been wanting to print off my blog into book format. I was resolved I would do something about it and now, I held it in my hands!
Long ago, when GoDaddy was switching to WordPress, I panicked and started printing off my posts on my home printer. Good thing, too, because my photos didn’t transfer into WordPress. I have three ring binders full of my early posts and a loyal reader volunteered to reinsert some of my photos into those early articles. (Thank you, Mary!) While my early blog was preserved, I’ve become nervous that fifteen years of stories and photos could be lost to some random electronic glitch. Yes, I have backups, but, I’m also a librarian, and the feel of a book in my hands is reassuring.
I researched and scrolled the internet, looking for an American company who could do what I wanted. Enter Blog2Print.com. They don’t know who I am but I’m eagerly awaiting their next coupon in my email box, because I’ll be ordering more books!
Look at this pretty!

I chose to print January 1 through May 31 of last year. That gave me a 233 page book. Megan helped me, and our original format had the blog posts flowing one after another, but that left some with the title at the bottom of a page and the post on the next. It looked clunky to me so we reformatted to make each day a fresh page. While it’s a waste for some posts, it looks more professional.

My photos are what they call medium sized. I think the quality is excellent… you can see details, but I am tempted to see what the large size would look like and how many pages it might add. (Videos of course do not publish)

Of course, this is not hardback, but the binding looks good. You can chose your cover color and we decided on a plain (not patterned) blue. Each year will be a different color. The cover photos come from my first two photos, though I think I could change them if I wanted.

Anyway, I’m happy happy happy! They aren’t cheap, but to have a physical copy of this blog is priceless! Next we will finish 2022, then continue on backwards. I’m determined to spend the money and have it all in hand someday. THAT will be big excitement as I’ll have an entire shelf of Red Dirt!
Find me here!
Wow!! This is amazing. You must be so proud of your story. Well done .
What a wonderful legacy in print and in photos that is something to be cherished by all. I’m so excited for you! Congrats.
Congratulations! This is so cool. I’m happy for you.
That is SO very awesome! I’m a tactile person and to be able to hold that in your hand must be so very satisfying. In the coming years your family will appreciate it more than you will ever know. My great aunt did a pretty extensive genealogy on our family and finally published her book. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t keep going to update it after she passed but at least my kids have the information that leads back to the 1700’s. I know your family will cherish this beautiful work! Congratulations!!
For generations to come! Very Nice!
I am so HAPPY for you!!!!!! Go Carol!
Blogger, artist, cattle brander, grandmother, branding day chef and family historian! You might be the busiest lady I know!
Great idea to capture these blogs in book format.
Congrats Carol!! See you have written not only a book but volumes!
So happy for you and many thanks for sharing your wonderful western family life with all of us!