The idea of time lapse photography of the clouds and storms rolling in didn’t work today, as about 5 am, lightning and thunder started popping and the rain descended. All day it has rained off and on, giving us half an inch of moisture. It’s lifted and returned and come in waves and disappeared. I’m even hearing the rain’s return right now.
What do you do on a rainy, dreary day? Well, the guys worked in the shop and I spent some time crafting. I had hauled most of my crafts to the Ten Sleep Brewery’s farmers market yesterday and received three custom orders. I thought I’d try my hand at one.
One customer loves poppies and wondered if I could do a light switch with poppies. I supposed I could, but I thought I’d try making a tray with poppies just for practice. She texted me as I was working. Come to find out, she had told me the wrong kind of light switch, so I’ll have to buy one to paint. But I still made my practice poppy. What do you think?
Then, of course, I had to play…
I’m calling it a cornflower… sure, I’ll stick with that!
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Love them very beautiful!