School starts tomorrow and I’m back to the library from 8-5 twice a week. We took the kids to the creek to enjoy the last day of summer break. While we weren’t working… the guys were. Vernon crosses the creek with the tractor and baler while Brandon soon follows in a different tractor to haul the bales out of the field.

We had a little picnic and I think everyone got a little too much sun!

After the requisite minnows were caught in the shallows, we moved to the deeper part where football was played (practice starts for Quinlan and Jaxon tomorrow)…

And the girls were brushing up on volleyball skills that starts in September.
We burned them, and exhausted them, and tried to hyperthermiate skinny Quinlan, and so, it was a good last day of freedom!
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A great way to end the summer break. In the UK school returns at the beginning of September after 6 weeks holiday. Today 18 year old students got their exam results before going off to Uni. Next week 16 year olds get their results. A somewhat tense time for students, parents and teachers, but lots of celebrations too.
What a super way to celebrate the last day of summer vacation. I’d be looking for minnows, too.