I had to work four days at the library this week, so I’m behind on photos of the ranch activities. As I drove up and installed my Jeep in the garage, I noticed Vernon at work in the shop. After shuffling the dogs around, Indy being in heat, I wandered over to see what Vernon was working on.
I found him doing maintenance on the side by side… oil change, topping off antifreeze, blowing out the air filter.

And it occurred to me…
Shouldn’t either my laundry detergent (Sheets) or my washing machine company (Whirlpool) give me a lifetime supply or updated version because I will testify that they can clean these clothes?!

Shop smut, oil, dust, and grease (not even counting other disgusting things ranchers get into) actually DOES wash out of his clothes. Sometimes it just amazes me though!
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When I saw the photo, before I read your post, my first thought was – does your washing machine get the job done. So pleased it does.
Definitely!! And they might even feature you in an advertisement…if you all agreed?!
I certainly think you should get something good for an endorsement of anything that can clean these clothes — especially since I’ve read that detergent sheets don’t work that well!