(Sorry this is late. Gave up on waiting for it to upload!)
Once again, we move a herd into the corral to vaccinate the calves. Short video clips take you through the entire day. We gather early in the morning and take them over to the corral. Calves are sorted from their mothers who noisily wait for them outside of the corral fence. My job is to sort from the main corral to smaller and smaller pens. At the end of the day, I walk you through it step by step. The bulls are being taken down the mountain and will be loaded in the horse trailer later. I’m very cautious with this bunch since the bulls are there! Those big boys can move fast when they want to and I’m rather slow. Four calves at a time are put through the chute with Brandon serving as a living gate. Megan and Daniel vaccinate. They’re quickly finished and the calves are set free to go find their moms. At the end, all of the cattle are moved to the bigger pasture. We’re done!
What a great life for everyone animals included!
I just love Bravo he always looks so happy doing his job
Great video. Whilst I know it was hard work for you all, for me just watching it was relaxing.
Very nice filming and great editing. Seeing the different stages of this
day’s work was fun. Everyone, including the doggies, are pros! Thanks
for the ride!