Typical for those in the ranching/farming occupation… if it rains… since you can’t work in wet fields or travel on slick muddy roads… you go to town! Vernon and I headed to Buffalo.
With all the rain we had yesterday, it wasn’t a shock to wake up to a grey day. But when that fog didn’t burn off with the rising sun, we realized it was smoke. You expect the air to be fresh and clean and rinsed after a rain and we were amazed at how thick the smoke was.

We drove on and I checked the Inciweb website and found Wyoming doesn’t currently have any fires (knock on wood) but Montana has about 14. Gee, thanks, Montana. Within a few miles we were in Ten Sleep Canyon.

Slightly more visibility than smoke, THIS was fog.

The scenery continued to play peekaboo. So much for a scenic drive!
Or so I thought.
Miles later… boom!

Blue Wyoming sky. Sunshine! This was more like it! We relaxed and enjoyed our familiar drive.
On the descent into Buffalo… here we go again.

The smoke lay low once again.
Let’s see, class, how many descriptive words can you come up with?
Yuk. Ish. Disgusting. Revolting. Dismal. Boo. Hiss. Depressing. Disheartening. Horrid. Somber. Dull.
Feel free to add your own!
Find me here!
Disconcerting and disappointing. Hope you still had fun in town though! 🙂
Definitely disconcerting!
Smothering, suffocating, acrid, oppressive…
Gray. Dreary. Crummy. Gloomy.