Oh, goodness! I don’t know why, but things just keep getting scheduled on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and, once again, I missed working on the mountain because I had to work at the library. Megan was generous enough to share some photos with me though, so you don’t have to miss out.
They gathered the heifers and preg tested them, a double check that may or may not confirm what that blood test told us. Remember pulling blood from under the heifers’ tail and the cute video of Quinlan learning how to do the procedure? Well, the vet manually checks each heifer. We will do this to our cows soon. Next Wednesday, actually, but this time I will take the day off!
Daniel works the hydraulic chute while Tess urges the heifers through the alley.
Look at those clouds! I had an uncle from upstate New York, and on his one visit to Wyoming when I was in high school, his comments about our scenic country were full of “Look at those clouds!” I’ve never forgotten that and smile inwardly when I find myself saying, “Look at those clouds!”
I loved this photo because of its perspective. Distances in Wyoming can be deceiving but the placement of the four cowboys is a good example of it as the heifers trail along the fence line.
Brandon’s Jekyll dog asks for a bit of attention during lunch break…
Work concluded just in the nick of time!
Thanks, Megan, for the great pics!
Wonderful photos Megan. And yes, those clouds are amazing.
Jeckyl looks like he worked hard and got wet.
Love the clouds, especially when they touch the ground. My art class back in CA is painting them from photos I took in Big Trails. Some of the paintings are on display at our local library, but nothing compares with seeing the WY sky in person.
I agree!
Another full day for man and dog!
Great job on the photos Megan! The clouds are amazing…
love the lunch break with “Jekyll”…