Three days of riding and working cattle… I was pretty tired by the end of the last day. I’m usually trying to find a different perspective to our work, since I’ve been blogging for so long, I wonder how I can change things up. All my posts are searchable, so it’s easy to find all my pregnancy testing posts by either typing the subject in the search bar, or just scrolling through the same week of years previous.
As Vernon and I drove up the mountain in the dark… I began to wonder how many of you have driven in total darkness before?
Yes, this is blurry… we’re driving on a dirt road and the windshield is dirty… and I had to wait until dawn was beginning to appear.
I turned and looked behind me and at that point I could only see two lights miles away. I’m sure at a different vantage point I could see more, but right then, right there, the darkness enveloped us. I used to be scared of the dark but now I’m not. Good thing.
Wyoming is the least populated state.
I live 20 miles from the closest town.
Most of our work occurs miles from the house accessible by four wheel drive pickup, side by side, four wheeler, or horse.
Nothing drives that home like a dark morning out in the boonies.
We have street lamps so never completely dark. The main road near us has ‘Narnia’ gas lamps so not very well lit for a busy road though the centre of the road has ‘cats eyes’. Can’t remember from my time in the US whether you have these on your country roads. The lights in the ‘cats eyes’ light up when your car headlights shine on them.
At first I thought it was one of your coffee mugs!
The blurriness of the picture adds to its beauty. I thought maybe it was the Northern Lights so many have been talking about.
That would be a beautiful scene to paint on a coffee mug with your watercolor process!
Hard to find the kind of darkness back here that you have, too many security lights. Neat picture.
Thanks for this photo! Gives great perspective of where you live….. the wild places still exist! What a life y’all have.