Movement caught my eye. The field had just been cut, dried and baled. Something was moving out there and I didn’t have my glasses on. A neighbor had texted me recently about two mountain lion sightings. One was just outside their house, another time they spied two young lions in the field close to us. I quickly moved to look out another window. No. Not a lion. This was a fox. Two foxes.

I was grateful to have these smaller predators but my chickens were not locked up… they simply free range all day. I carefully snuck out of my house, camera in hand. After half heartedly sniffing around for gophers, the duo headed in the direction of my coop.

I planned to yell, scream, and throw things if they headed for the coop.

You are NOT having chicken for supper! He turned and stepped into the corral and out of my sight. Whew! I decided to go lock up my chickens for the night. A strange ruckus began behind me and I thought my cat was making noises.
Instead, one flustered and harried chicken appeared *in my yard* and was running down the sidewalk towards me. I opened the gate and she scooted through. Ducking under vehicles and pausing just for a second, the worried chicken accompanied me to the coop.

I was happy to be her escort. Every chicken was accounted for as well, and they haven’t been allowed to free range. They most likely feel abused but it’s better than becoming dinner!
Find me here!
Whew! Nice photos.
We lost 5 good hens between a fox and a possum. They no longer get to free range either. We’ve had calves killed by mountain lions.
R-r-ight! smart chick outwitted those wily (but cute!) foxes.