Thanks to those of you who commented on yesterday’s post. I believe they were probably the most thoughtful and heartfelt comments I’ve received. I’ve had to spend a great deal of time in Worland this week and lunch hour was a quiet time. I’d sit out in the sunshine and have to give my stomach a while to calm its nervous energy before I could stand to eat. I simply wanted a bit of peace.
You want to know what I found? Worland’s main streets are not peaceful. Semi’s come and go. Regular traffic. Bells striking the time. People talking. Car doors slamming. Just the jitter and juggle of everyday life… but it’s NOISY. I craved quiet. I wonder how many people ever “hear” the quiet?

Today’s activity was not quiet. We have left the steer calves with their moms, so it was loud and insistent. Still, it seems to me, less jarring, less fabricated.
Again, I took video more than photos.

I’ll try to make a new movie, but it will take some editing! But, if you can… find a place, away from running refrigerators and ticking clocks and car engines, and BREATHE.

I personally feel the constant barrage of noise, from vehicles, tvs, radios etc..are a big contributor to stress and disease. Our bodies and brains NEED quiet and calm to rejuvenate and heal. Most people don’t even realize how stressed they really are, because they are accustomed to that state of being.
“Hear the quiet?” Yes. I have. I stayed overnight in a very remote farm in Indiana. There were no outside lights on at all and there was no noise; just quiet and blackness as I lay in bed. And “the quiet” seemed to be “loud” to me…it was a very odd but real sensation. Maybe other readers have had a similar experience.