Sunrise at 7:45 or so. We’d left the house sooner than that. We had sold our steer calves in July and it was time to load them on trucks. It’s never so simple. They were grazing with their mommas in the fields, so gathering said fields was the first order of business. Vernon, me, Daniel, Brandon, Victoria and Wyatt had shown up to help, as well as four great neighbors who were riding horses. What could have been a tough day with three of us turned into a much easier day with all of that help showing up.
We had split forces, some along the lower field and some up above and across the creek. Our bunch was moved downwards, crossing the creek and joining up with their compatriots. We alternated covering the options of other roads, open gates, and trails between all the buildings and equipment.
With some concentrated encouragement, they all entered the corral.
The sun still wasn’t up but I managed a couple of silhouettes.
Unfortunately, I seemed to have taken a lot of bad photos today… many out of focus… and I didn’t even have my horse to blame. Once captured, we changed strategy. Cows will be separated from calves next, but that’s tomorrow’s blog!
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Low light photography is tricky, hence the out of focus pix.
So steers and their moms are all in the corral and we see the separation tomorrow (when the sun’s up and there’s more light). And this doesn’t get posted due to the critical error.