This was first published December 30, 2012.
My three requests for help having been unfulfilled due to time constraints and/or lack of proper equipment, I decided today I’d just see if I could do this myself.
What activity was I trying to accomplish?
Well, my dogs have houses. Pitiful plastic things since the chickens have taken back the coop this winter. 9.5 times out of ten, they spend the nights inside, next to my bed… and when they are outside, they rarely seek shelter… laying outside their houses rather than inside…
But I feel BAD. Like I’m a horrible owner. Even though I’ll probably have to force them into it, I’m re-purposing (of course!) the crates the center pivot came in into a Dog Condominium. Insulated. Sturdy.
Trouble is, the crates are in the field still… a little too far away for my dogs to use!
I grab a tow rope, a pry bar, and my Durango and I’m off!
See what great crates they are? Up off the ground and fairly sturdy…

Well, let’s just try this. I wrap around the rope and pop the box free from the frozen ground. Put the Durango into reverse and wheeeeee! Smooth sailing!

It pulled quite easily across the snow… even when I had a change of plans and had to turn it around. I decided to try the single gate on the steeper hill versus dragging through two gates and down the highway just a bit…

Why, yes, I did kind of get a little close to that gate…

The new residents keep a close eye on the moving process…

There you have it… drug into my garden… not a prime spot, but one that will have to work until spring! Squint and you can see where we came from.
Sure, it needs a door and floor and some insulation… but this was the hard (not-so-hard) part!
Find me here!
Great re-do. Have you ever posted the finished ‘doggie condominium’??
It would be fun to see it.