We vaccinated and poured our yearling heifers today. Brandon vaccinated. Quinlan ran the chute gate. Daniel poured. Vernon got them up the alley.
I brought them out of the pen, down the wide alley. That makes it sound so easy. It wasn’t. I’m rather tired and sore! I try and work cattle nice and quiet, but when you’re the only one back there, you need more encouraging words… and flag waving… and hustling.
If cows don’t want to go, believe me, you can’t do much with them. So I’d quietly stand, letting them look down the alley with a few creeping closer to it… then a couple of old cows would balk at some ghost… and turn the bunch back, and I’d have to amp up my strategy. What a pain. Most of the time, when we’re doing this, we have a few more workers. Alone, I’m not very intimidating.
But, 170 heifers later… mission accomplished!
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What odds! 170 to 1.
170 cows…sounds like quite a big achievement to me!